ED 2C earmuffs-helmetEAR DEFENDER yellow
Protectores concoidales del oído
EN 352-3
Hearing protectors. Ear-muffs for helmets
Helmet arm material: Polyoxymethylene (acetal)
Foam liner material: polyether
Ear cups material: ABS
Ear cushions material: polyether , PVC
High performance non-conductive hearing protector with safety helmet attachment (30 mm slot), smooth and stable telescopic size adjustement, soft foam ear cushions with minimal heat retention. Slip stirrup design reduces risk of snagging in confined areas even in stand-by position. 264 g, EN 352-3:2002; compatible with ALPINWORKER and PALLADIO helmets.
EN 352-3 
Sistema de sujeción: Acoplamiento de casco
Industria: Construcción, Industria pesada, Ingeniería
Peso: 271 g
Fabricado en UE
Protection system: Pasivo
SNR - Single number rating: 29 dB
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