Gafas protectoras (abiertas)
EN 166
Protección ocular personal
EN 169
Filtros para soldadura y técnicas relacionadas
EN 170
Filtro ultravioleta
EN 172
Filtros contra reflejos solares para uso industrial
Stealth™ Coverlite™ spectacles are the most-comfortable overspectacle which you can buy » thanks to the presized size of the temples, it is unbelievably comfortable to use them over your private corrective lenses » it is the lightest overspec on the market » Coverlite™ Orange 550: 100% blue light absorption 380-550nm, UV absorption 280-380nm 99,99% » Designed for special applications such as surface inspection, mechanical work, ultra-violet light, vulcanization, work with curing lamp, dentist and medical applications. Coverlite™ IR 5: UV absorption 280-380nm 99,99%, IR light absorption 780-1400nm 97%, Blue Light absorption 380-500nm 99% » Designed for special welding applications » Overspecs for welders with prescription glasses or spectacle for visitors in Welding environment
EN 166
EN 169
EN 170
EN 172
Lens type: IR-5, Ahumado, Orange, Transparente
Anti-scratch coating
Anti-fog coating
Industria: Industria pesada, Construcción, Automoción, Asistencia sanitaria y social
Glass frame adjustment: Temples angle adjustment
Item weight: 35 g
Retail packaging
UV protection